With Zayd Al Haji

"Illuminating the Path of Islamic Finance: Leading Research Magazine"

Welcome to our Islamic Finance Research Magazine – your go-to resource for all things related to Islamic finance, designed with you, the everyday professional, in mind!

Now, you might be wondering, why is our magazine so important for your individual finance journey? Well, let’s dive into it.

Imagine this: you work hard day in and day out, earning your livelihood, and diligently setting aside a portion of your income for unforeseen circumstances. You’re a pro at budgeting and saving, just like us – because we’re professionals, not experts! You see, we believe in sharing practical knowledge that anyone can apply to their financial life.

But here’s the kicker: while you’re managing your finances like a pro, have you ever thought about the long game? About what happens after you retire? That’s where we come in.

Our magazine is here to help you understand the world of Islamic finance, where financial planning isn’t just about making money; it’s about making money work for you in a way that aligns with your faith and values.

By exploring the pages of our magazine, you’ll discover the secrets to building a financially secure future, all while staying true to your beliefs. Whether it’s investing, saving, or preparing for retirement, we’ve got you covered with insights, tips, and strategies tailored for professionals like yourself.

So, join us on this exciting journey of financial empowerment. Our aim is simple: to help you achieve a stress-free, prosperous life, where your finances are in harmony with your faith. You don’t have to be an expert – just a professional who’s ready to take charge of their financial destiny.

Welcome aboard, and let’s embark on this rewarding financial voyage together!

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"Charting the Origins: Stock Market Educational Magazines Unveiled"

Welcome to the captivating world of Stock Market Educational Magazines – where professionals like you come to unlock the secrets of the ever-dynamic equity market!

Let’s peel back the curtain and reveal the intriguing story behind our mission. You see, we’re not here to claim expertise; we’re here to empower you with knowledge. We’re the professionals who have delved deep into the intricate world of stock market research, utilizing every tool in our arsenal to decipher the enigma of stock valuation.

Our journey begins with two steadfast companions: Fundamental Research and Technical Research. These aren’t just buzzwords; they’re our trusty guides on this thrilling adventure. With Fundamental Research, we dig into the very core of a company, seeking to understand its essence and uncover its true value. It’s like peering into the soul of a stock, and we’re here to show you how.

On the flip side, Technical Research is our high-tech compass, helping us navigate the volatile seas of the market. We analyze past and present data, deciphering the patterns and trends that hold the keys to future market activity. It’s like reading the stock market’s crystal ball, and we want to share our insights with you.

But why, you might ask? Well, it’s simple. Our stock market analysis isn’t just about amassing knowledge; it’s about empowering you to make informed decisions. Whether you’re an investor looking to uncover a security’s true worth or a trader seeking an edge in the market, we’ve got you covered.

So, welcome to a world where numbers come to life, charts tell stories, and financial mysteries unfold. Join us on this exhilarating journey, and together, we’ll unravel the intricacies of the stock market. We’re not experts; we’re professionals who are here to guide you every step of the way. Your adventure in the stock market starts here!

Latest Magazine


Businesses and consumers will cut back on spending when interest rates rise. As a result, earnings will decline, and stock prices will fall. On the other hand, when interest rates are significantly lower, businesses and consumers will spend more, raising stock prices.

What People Say

“I like the examples that made the ideas clear, I would prefer having more clarifications about reporting and recommendations to clients, but overall the research reports are excellently designed.”
John Hill
“The author breaks down a business model into valuable, easy-to-understand concepts. In addition, the references to actual business demands and how research techniques provide critical insights to assist in strategic investment decisions.”
James Dean
“I did a lot of marketing research in a previous job. It is a quick read that completes standard financial reports very well. Recommend it to anyone interested in the field.”
Hillary Rice
“Strategic Market Research is a Great Research Magazine! It is a concise guide to conducting good market research—lots of valuable information and ideas without being too wordy with detailed graphics.”
Rodrigo Alonso
“It is an introduction to the idea of conducting detailed research. The author researches quantitative and qualitative parts of diverse Indian Business models specialized in research.”
Julia Michelle
“The author is a marketing research expert, and both the researchers describe how market information can support effective strategies through depth analysis of the business model.”
Mila Jackson

Meet Your Market & Investment Researchers

Zayd Haji, born on February 1, 1998, is a finance professional known for his podcasts and research reports. With four years of experience in financial analysis and content creation, he holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration Finance from Pune University and a Master’s in Banking and Financial Management from NMIMS University.

Zayd has worked with companies at all stages of development, from startups to established firms. His podcasts offer both quantitative and qualitative market assessments, focusing on emerging segments and buying patterns. What sets his financial analysis apart is his dedication to in-depth research, using sources beyond Google to ensure precision and accuracy in his reports. With a bright future ahead, Zayd Haji is making a mark in the financial world as an author and podcaster.


Malic Phillips (born on November 13, 1992) voice artist of Islamic Finance Research.

He is the talented voice artist behind Islamic Finance Research. His distinctive voice brings depth and clarity to the podcast, enhancing the accessibility and impact of the financial insights and research shared with the audience. With his skillful narration, Malic Phillips plays a pivotal role in making complex financial topics engaging and understandable for listeners.